Dominio de Pingus

Dominio de Pingus

One of the most beautiful wineries with a cult status is Dominio de Pingus. This winery founded by Peter Sisseck produces the absolute top Spanish wines . Among other things:

Dominio de Pingus Logo

  • Pingus PSI
  • Pingus Flor de Pingus
  • Pingus

When the house was founded, Peter Sisseck planned to make one real top wine and that is the Pingus. This name comes from Danish, where Pingus is freely translated as Peter. Or the winery, the domain of Peter Sisseck

Pingus Flor de Pingus

Flor de Pingus

After Peter Sisseck was very successful with his topper, the Pingus, he continued his work with Pingus Flor de Pingus. This is supposedly the second wine of the winery and is loosely translated: 'Peter's flowers. An inspiring wine that is firmer than Pingus PSI, yet also more elegant and with different blends. This red wine is made from 100% tempranillo grapes.

Dominio de Pingus PSI

Dominio de Pingus PSI creates a special story, through a great collaboration with Pablo Rubio of Hacienda Monasterio. They made this wine together through a collaboration with local farmers. Because these farmers were allowed to supply the best grapes for the wine, they received explanations about how best to work biodynamically. Partly for that reason, this produces a spectacular wine, made from a blend of mainly tempranillo grapes in combination with cabernet sauvignon.

Pingus PSI

Peter Sisseck in Ribera del Duero

Sisseck is a phenomenon in Ribera del Duero, where the winery is located. Before he started Dominio de Pingus, Peter Sisseck already worked for Hacienda Monasterio and learned the trade here. After many wanderings he returned to the place that had touched his heart most, Ribera de Duero. Because he returned, the quality increased throughout the region and there have been major developments in the area.

Buy Dominio de Pingus at Jouwbirthwijn

We sell a wide range of wines from the winery, including:

  • PSI Pingus in volumes 2018, 2019 and 2020
  • Flor de Pingus in volumes 2018, 2019 and 2020
  • Pingus in 2019 and 2020
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