Château Coutelin Merville 1998
Château Coutelin Merville 1998
A great wine that is more than 25 years old is Château Coutelin-Merville 1998. This red wine is still in perfect condition, both in terms of wine and label. Moreover, if you had to appoint a winery in Bordeaux as Grand Cru Classé, then this winery is certainly one that is a candidate. It is not without reason that it already has the status of Cru Bourgeois in Saint-Èstèphe. Which means that this winery is one of the best Saint-Èstèphe wines.
Château Coutelin-Merville 1998 is a Cru Bourgeois in Saint-Èstèphe
Partly because of this classification, this red wine from Bordeaux is a perfect wine from 1989 to give as a gift. If you know someone in this age category and is a wine lover, then this wine is the perfect gift for you. Check out our website for packaging options and make your gift even more personal. This red wine consists of:
- 50% merlot
- 25% cabernet sauvignon
- 22% cabernet franc
- 3% petit verdot
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