Château Granins Grand Poujeaux 1997
Château Granins Grand Poujeaux 1997
Some very nice red wines from Bordeaux are made in Moulis-en-Médoc. Including this Château Granins Grand Poujeaux 1997 . This wine has been aged for almost 30 years and is still in excellent condition. In the Bordeaux area it is made with red wine with a large portion of merlot for juiciness. In addition, used with cabernet sauvignon for structure and maturation.
The taste description of Château Granins Grand Poujeaux 1997
In the taste a clear hint of wood aging and ripe fruit. You notice that the wine is just as old due to a somewhat rough character. Nevertheless refined and matured with little tannis. This Bordeaux red wine has a ripe, long aftertaste. If desired, use a tea strainer to remove the deposit when pouring the wine from the Bordeaux region.
The location of the winery in the Bordeaux region
The wine Château Granins Grand Poujeaux 1997 comes from the village of Poujeaux. Here you can also know other highlights such as: Château Poujeaux and Château Maucaillou. They also make impeccable wine in this Bordeaux area. When red wines age it is important that they are properly stored and that is what happened here!
The grape blend of Château Granins Grand Poujeaux 1997
In the vineyards, which cover more than 12 hectares, there are various soil compositions including stones and clay. This is ideal for the grapes used in this composition:
- 80% merlot
- 20% cabernet sauvignon
Due to the average age of 35 years, the Bordeaux red wine is well structured and can ripen well. This is then followed by a fermentation of 12 months to round off the tannins.
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